Hyderabad: The BRS is facing a series of setbacks ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. The leadership was confused as the key leaders left the party. Many key MPs, MLAs, former MLCs and other leaders have already said goodbye to the party and joined Congress and BJP. As announced earlier, MLA Kadiam Srihari and his daughter Kadiam Kavya joined the Congress on Sunday.
Kadiam Srihari and Kadiam Kavya went to Chief Minister Revanth Reddy's residence in Hyderabad on Sunday. They joined the party in the presence of Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and party state affairs in-charge Deepadas Munshi. There is a possibility that the Congress party will announce either Kadiam Srihari or Kadiam Kavya as the party candidate for the Warangal Lok Sabha seat.
Chief Minister Revanth Reddy is going to Delhi on Sunday to finalise the candidates for the pending seats in Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam and Hyderabad after discussion with the High Command. On the other hand, soon Rajya Sabha member K Keshava Rao is also set to join the Congress.
BRS is suffocating with migration in Telangana. Four months after losing power, many leaders are joining other parties. From sitting MPs to MLAs, MLCs, senior leaders, Zilla Parishad chairmen and representatives of local bodies at various levels are joining Congress and BJP. On the other hand, Congress is moving towards securing a maximum number of seats in the Lok Sabha elections.
Read more: Hyderabad Mayor Vijaya Laxmi Joins Congress