Srinagar(Uttarakhand): Renowned Bollywood singer Jubin Nautiyal staged a concert at Srinagar, which falls in the assembly segment of BJP leader Anil Baluni on Thursday. As the Lok Sabha election is inching closer, candidates are going the extra mile to lap up support for them. Nautiyal, who struck the chord of youth during the event, also appealed to the youth to vote in large numbers.
"Each of your precious vote is important to keep the flag of democracy afloat. It's also a way to take the country forward on the path of development," Nautiyal said amid cheers of attendees.
When asked if he is interested in politics going by his family's link to politics, Nautiyal, however, spoke about his disinterest in politics. "Despite my father's deep involvement in politics, I'm not interested in politics. I'm happy with the respect which I'm getting from fans. Politics is not my cup of tea. So far, I'm happy belting out Ram Bhajan and folk songs, which I perform across the country and abroad," the singer said.
At the same time, the singer was in praise for Kangana Ranaut, who is contesting from the Mandi seat of Himachal Pradesh, for her straightforward nature. "I pray for her success in politics," he added.
However, Jubin said that three to four Pahari Sangeet projects are in the pipeline for the Uttarakhand people. He further said that Uttarakhand is on the path of development and youth can play a vital role.
There excitement was visible over Nautiyal's visit in Pauri Garhwal, the assembly segment Anil Baluni, who has made the contest in the hill constituency a closely-watched electoral tussle. Baluni's main rival is Ganesh Godiyal, former state Congress president, who is like the former a Brahmin. The area dominated by Thakurs, who constitute about 45% of the electorate.