Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Monday said the BJP government has worked to take the state forward "non-stop" ever since it came to power in 2014, claiming that it ended regionalism and nepotism and followed the mantra of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas”. Saini also lashed out at the previous governments for leaving the state with many "ills", including regionalism, nepotism and corrupt practices.
Saini was speaking to the media on the completion of 100 days of his government, which was sworn in on October 17, 2024. In his previous term, Saini was sworn in as the chief minister last March after the BJP leadership effected a change in Haryana. He replaced Manohar Lal Khattar, who is now a Union minister.
In 100 days, his government has fulfilled 18 out of the 240 promises his party made before the Assembly elections in its 'Sankalp Patra' (manifesto), Saini said. "We will fulfil all the promises we made to the people," Saini said, as he underlined that his government was committed to working for the welfare of the people of Haryana. "Since 2014, our government has done the work of taking Haryana forward non-stop," Saini said.
Addressing the media, the chief minister announced that the state government will develop 10 modern industrial towns across Haryana modelled after IMT Kharkhoda to further strengthen the state's industrial infrastructure. Saini also said that 25,000 MW of electricity will be generated through renewable energy sources, which will be used to power industrial centres across Haryana and the National Capital Region (NCR).
To address environmental concerns, particularly the discharge of chemical and industrial waste, the government will construct state-of-the-art sewerage treatment plants in Panipat, Faridabad, and Gurugram, he said. In addition, the government will expedite the construction of an integrated multi-modal logistics hub in Narnaul/Mahendragarh to improve connectivity.
In collaboration with the Central government’s PM Mega Integrated Textile Area and Apparel (PM MITRA) scheme, Haryana will establish an integrated textile market in Ambala, the state's largest textile hub, Saini said.
The chief minister also highlighted the government's focus on the pharmaceutical sector, with plans to fast-track the establishment of a pharma park in Karnal aimed at capitalising on the growing pharmaceutical industry through the product-linked incentive (PLI) scheme and the Haryana Pharmaceutical Policy 2015.
Also, a defence and aerospace hub will be set up in Mahendragarh under a public-private partnership (PPP) model, which is expected to boost the state's presence in the defence sector, he said.To further support industrial growth, the state will develop a 10,000-acre land bank through the e-Bhoomi portal, he said.
The chief minister also expressed confidence that these transformative measures will lay a strong foundation for Haryana's role in helping India achieve its goal of becoming a developed nation by 2047, as envisioned by Prime Minister Modi.
Further, while referring to BJP's poll promises for Haryana, he said the process to obtain both administrative and financial sanctions to complete an additional 50 promises is currently underway. Referring to the previous governments, Saini said Haryana was suffering from many "ills", including “Parivarvad” (nepotism) and “Keshtravad” (regionalism).
"There used to be discrimination. There was also distrust among the youth about government jobs. But under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the BJP government ended regionalism and followed the prime minister’s vision of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’," Saini said, claiming the BJP government ensured equitable development in the state in the past 10 years.
Sharing details about the works carried out by the BJP government between 2014 and 2024, he spoke about launching the transfer policy for government employees, literate panchayats (qualification criteria for panchayats) and implementation of 'Parivar Pehchan Patra'.
Ever since the online system was implemented, 52 lakh families are getting the benefits of 400 government schemes by sitting in their homes, Saini said, as he chided the opposition parties for calling the BJP government "Portals ki Sarkar".
Speaking about social security pensions, he said at present 34 lakh elderly people are getting old-age pensions. He als said that it was the BJP government that raised the annual income criteria for BPL families to Rs 1.80 lakh from Rs 1.20 lakh. Under the Meri Fasal Mera Byora scheme, 12 lakh farmers have been given Rs 1.25 lakh crore for their produce in the past 10 years, he said.
Criticising the previous Congress government for making “false” promises of giving 24-hour electricity, Saini said it was the BJP government that ensured round-the-clock electricity supply in 5,861 villages under the Hamara Gaon Jagmag Gaon scheme.
"There is no district in Haryana that is not connected with a four-lane road," Saini said, as he spoke about improving road infrastructure. State ministers Anil Vij, Shyam Singh Rana, Ranbir Gangwa, Vipul Goel and Shruti Choudhary were also present on the occasion.