Bengaluru: A four-year-old child, Rishan, and his father were critically injured after a Rottweiler dog bit them hard at Kadiraiyanpalya in the Indiranagar area here on January 5, police said
The injured child's mother filed a case against the owner of the dog at Indiranagar police station on January 8, they said. Rishad and Rasika, who hail from Kerala, were at home when the incident took place. In the same building, Mangeswari and her son Sanjay kept their Rottweiler dog unchained.
Previously, the victim's family warned them several times to tie up the dog. But despite their negligence, just like another usual day, on January 5, Rishan was playing near the house. At that time, the dog dragged him up the stairs and started biting him, a senior police official said.
Hearing his son's scream, Rishad immediately headed to the spot and saved the child from the murderous dog. Thereafter, he was also severely bitten and injured by the dog. The injured father-son duo were admitted to a private hospital and are recovering, the senior police official added.
As per previous records, some other residents were also brutally injured by the same dog. Despite this, the owner showed negligence by not taking any precautions.
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