Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Monday has directed criminal proceedings against five police officers in connection with the death of Akshay Shinde, accused in the Badlapur sexual assault case, in custody.
A magisterial inquiry was ordered into Akshay's death and its report was submitted in court today. After examining the report, the court concluded that five police officers were responsible for the death.
The bench of Justice Revati Mohite Dere of Bombay High Court directed criminal proceedings against the cops. It has further ordered to file a case against the officers and initiate necessary action.
The report has mentioned that Akshay's fingerprints have not been found on the gun and it has also termed the death as 'suspicious'. The public prosecutor told the court that appropriate action will be taken in this case.
Advocates Ajinkya Gaikwad and Kavisha Khanna filed the original complaint in this case and a demand has been made before the court to conduct a criminal case against the investigating officer, Inspector Shubda Shitole.
After hearing the lawyers, the court directed the government prosecutors to take a note of this demand. This will be argued at the next hearing that has been scheduled after two weeks.
Akshay was arrested for allegedly assaulting two minor girls in a school in Badlapur in August, 2024. The sexual assault case had triggered a huge protest with citizens blocking suburban trains for the entire day, demanding action against the accused. A few days later, Shinde was arrested and died on September 24 in an alleged encountered with police near Mumbra bypass while he was being taken to Thane in another case.
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