Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday made significant indications regarding Kashi and Mathura after Ayodhya during his address in the state legislative assembly. The Chief Minister indicated that after Ram Temple, it was the turn of Mathura to get a grand Krishna temple.
"... Injustice was done to Ayodhya. When I talk about injustice, we remember something 5 thousand years old... Lord Shri Krishna asked (Duryodhan) for half (of the property), but if that was difficult, then give only five villages. He talked about 5 villages. But the Hindu society and faith here are talking about only three (Ayodhya, Kashi, Mathura)," Adityanath said.
"These are the three places that are the centre of our faith... But when politics starts rising and there is vote politics, then the dispute arises... It was the first time in history that the majority had to plead. When all of this could have happened after independence itself... When our Nandi Baba saw the festival of Ayodhya, he said why should he wait? He broke the barricades in the night. After this, how is our Krishna Kanhaiya going to listen to anyone?", he added.
"We agree that the temple dispute was in the court but the roads there could have been widened. 'Ghats' there could have been revived. Electricity could have been supplied. Sanitation arrangements could have been made there. Better health facilities could have been provided there. An airport could have been built," Adityanath said, with former chief minister Akhilesh Yadav present in the House.
The CM alleged that the SP government deliberately obstructed the development of Kashi, Ayodhya, and Vrindavan. Adityanath also referred to the removal of the barricades at the 'Vyas ji ka Tahkhana' in Gyanvapi mosque complex in Varanasi after a local court allowed prayers there. "When people saw what happened in Ayodhya, Nandi Baba (linked with Lord Shiva) also said why should he wait and barricades were removed overnight. And how long is our Krishna Kanhaiya going to wait," he said. (With agency inputs)
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