Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Thursday issued a stern warning against misuse of social media for character assassination and defamation of women. Addressing a public meeting in Thallayapalem village during the inauguration of several power projects, Naidu criticised the reckless language used on social media, particularly against women, and vowed that those responsible would face consequences.
The Chief Minister noted that defamatory remarks had been made not only against him but also against his family and Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha. "The language on social media is reckless. They are making objectionable comments about women. Should we not take action? Should I ignore it? They have become criminals," Naidu said. At a time when the government comprising TDP, BJP, and Janasena is focused on the state’s development, Naidu alleged that YSRCP members were using social media to post obscene messages intended to demoralise the administration.
Naidu warned that he would examine both local and international laws to take action against individuals who engage in character assassination and said freedom of speech does not justify defaming women. He expressed concern over families of judges being reportedly targeted. The CM further cautioned coalition partners to refrain from posting any obscene content regarding women. Referring to the recent rape and murder of a minor girl in Tirupati district, he sought to know the difference between such perpetrators and "animals."
The Chief Minister also admonished the police to maintain control over criminal activities, emphasising that law enforcement must be more efficient to prevent criminals from gaining an upper hand. Additionally, Naidu alleged that "some criminals were using politics as a platform to commit crimes, including asset grabbing, while falsely invoking democratic principles." He vowed to take a firm stand against such activities.