Mumbai: Union minister Amit Shah on Sunday said Parsis have made silent but immense contribution to India's development, and lauded the role of Gujarati newspaper Mumbai Samachar in that journey. Speaking after releasing the documentary film Mumbai Samachar- 200 Not Out, which chronicles the remarkable 200-year journey of Asia's oldest newspaper, Shah said the Camas, who run it exemplify journalism of trust.
Entering its 203rd year of publication, Mumbai Samachar has become an integral part of Mumbai's identity. Dynasties don't last 200 years here but a newspaper has lasted for so long, Shah said. Terming Mumbai Samachar as a trusted news organization, he recalled an an old saying that everything printed in Mumbai Samachar is true.
Hormusji N Cama, the managing director of the Mumbai Samachar, was present at the event. Mumbai Samachar- 200 Not Out delves into the newspaper's pivotal role in the freedom movement, its unwavering commitment to unbiased reporting and the secrets behind its enduring success.
The documentary was released simultaneously in 40 countries, offering a historical perspective not only for Mumbai Samachar but also for the entire newspaper industry. The trailer for Mumbai Samachar- 200 Not Out was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the newspaper's bicentenary event in June 2022.