Jodhpur (Rajasthan): Amid the ongoing probe into the Rajasthan paper leak case, a fresh case of mass copying at a Rajasthan State Open School Board Examination Center has come to light leaving the Bhajan Lal Sharma led BJP government red-faced. The purported video of the mass cheating is being widely shared on the Internet.
The mass cheating video is said to be of the Rajasthan State Open School Board Examination Center set up at Panji Ka Bera Government Higher Secondary School in Kolu Rathod village of Dechu tehsil of Phalodi district of Rajasthan.
Sources said that the mass cheating at the examination center came to light after a team of officials comprising Open Board Secretary Arun Sharma, Deputy Director Shriram Meena and Academic Officer Nishi Jain inspected the center on Tuesday on the instructions of Secondary Education Department Director Ashish Modi.
It is learnt that when the inspection team reached the school, the main gate of the school was locked making the team all the more suspicious. The door was not opened even after repeated calls by the inspection team prompting the team members to scale the compound wall with a videographer. In the ensuing raids conducted by the team in the classrooms, the on-duty teachers were seen writing answers on the blackboard for the candidates. As seen in the purported video of the mass cheating, solver students were also caught filling the answer sheets.
Additional Superintendent of Police Vikram Singh said that they have received a complaint from Secretary Arun Sharma against school principal Rajendra Singh Chauhan, examination in-charge Bhanwarlal Suthar, his brother vigilance supervisor Dinesh Kumar Suthar, besides teachers Hari Singh, Prahlad Regar, Darshan Singh, Sawai Ram and others adding investigation into the incident is going on.
An official said that the presence of solver candidates was established on the spot. He said that 61 out of 77 candidates were found present for the Physics exam and 10 out of 19 for the Mathematics exam, but there were more answer scripts than the number of candidates.