Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): A video of an unexpected incident from Aligarh has surfaced on Saturday, March 30, creating uproar and panic here in Gangiri. As per sources, two brothers viciously beat up a monk while in an inebriated condition.
Police have arrested the two accused - Rajesh and his brother Gabis based on the CCTV footage that has been obtained from the nearby petrol pump. The monk was seen standing at the gas pump in the widely shared video.
The monk is struck on the ground by Rajesh who rushes up from behind. Then he begins hitting the monk while dragging him by his leg. Gabis also attacked the monk with a stick, as shown in the video. A little later, the accused escaped while the petrol pump salesmen ran to save the monk.
The monk told the salesman that the duo lost their temper on the monk and assaulted him as he interrupted them while they were intoxicated. The salesman told the monk that the attackers were were residents of a local village.
Following the assault, the monk reported the matter to the local police. In response to the monk's complaint, the accused were detained by the police.
Atrauli area officer, Akmal Khan said that a case has been filed on behalf of the victim at the Gangiri police station. "Both the accused have been nabbed by the police," he added.
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