Bhopal: Forget about the models walking ramps. In Madhya Pradesh's capital Bhopal, a fashion show of goats was organized where the goats came on the stage dressed up and did a “ramp walk” leaving the audience in awe. The unique event organized in Dream Garden of Lambakheda, Bhopal in the run up of Eid-ul-Adha also called 'Bakrid' in India, saw the 'King goat' sell at a whopping Rs 21 lakh.
King's Charm
According to the organisers, for the first time in the country, a ramp walk of goats was held in Dream Garden of Lambakheda, Bhopal where a total of 18 goats participated. The center of attraction was a goat named 'King'. Sohail Ahmed, owner of Ibrahim firm, said that the weight of the king goat weighs 177 kg and its height is also different from other goats. This was the reason that everyone was eager to get a glimpse of it. Ovez, a businessman from Mumbai bought the goat for a whopping price of Rs 21 lakh.
Cashews and Almonds in the Diet
Sohail Ahmed, owner of Ibrahim firm, said that he takes special care of the 'King' by feeding it cashews, almonds, pistachios, figs and dates daily. Sohail has also built a special house equipped with coolers for the goat to protect it from the prevailing heatwave. “A caretaker has also been appointed to look after the goat. He stays with it 24 hours a day, which means the goat's life is no less than that of a celebrity,” he said.
In the run up of Bakrid on 16th June the purchase of goats for sacrifice has picked up.