Tamil Nadu: After D Gukesh emerged triumphant in the World Chess Championship 2024, the Tamil Nadu government recognised the Indian Grandmaster’s achievement with a monetary reward of 5 Crore rupees. By beating the defending World Champion Ding Lirenm, the 18-year-old D Gukesh made the whole country proud.
The Tamil Nadu government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Stalin, has always been at the forefront of promoting sports and nurturing young talent. Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, who also holds the portfolio of Youth Welfare and Sports Development, has been instrumental in organizing various international and state-level sporting events in the state.
To honour the monumental achievement of @DGukesh, the youngest-ever World Chess Champion, I am delighted to announce a cash prize of ₹5 crore!
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) December 13, 2024
His historic victory has brought immense pride and joy to the nation. May he continue to shine and achieve greater heights in the… pic.twitter.com/3h5jzFr8gD
When Gukesh emerged victorious, Chief Minister Stalin personally congratulated him on social media and also spoke to him over the phone to express his admiration. Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin recommended a cash reward of Rs. 5 crore for Gukesh, citing his exceptional achievement. Accepting this recommendation, Chief Minister Stalin announced that the state government would be presenting Gukesh with a cash prize of Rs. 5 crore as a token of appreciation for his outstanding contribution to the world of chess.
During his victory in the World Chess Championship, Gukesh broke several records. He became the youngest World Champion in the history of Chess beating the previous record of Russian GrandMaster Garry Kasparov who won the title at the age of 22 in 1985. He also became only the second Indian after Viswanathan Anand to win the coveted title on Thursday.