Hyderabad: Indian javelin star Neeraj Chopra added one more cap to his feather by being named as the world’s best male javelin thrower of 2024 in a ranking released by a renowned US-based magazine Track and Field News. Despite Pakiatsan’s Arshad Nadeem winning the gold in the Paris Olympics and Chopra bagging silver, the latter piped the former to get a top spot. Despite not performing at his peak due to a groin injury in 2024, Chopra was honoured as the best javelin player in the world by the renowned US-based magazine Track and Field News.
The magazine placed Nadeem in the fifth position while two-time world champion Anderson Peters of Grenada was at the second position in the rankings. Chopra’s position at the top was determined by his consistency throughout the major events. Track and Field News Magazine which is founded in 1948, is also considered as the ‘Bible of Sport’ highlighted a close competition between Chopra and Peters.
More recognition for Neeraj Chopra!
— SAI Media (@Media_SAI) January 10, 2025
Track & Field News, a renowned US based sports magazine, has honoured @Neeraj_chopra1 as the best Javelin thrower of 2024.
A proud moment for India🇮🇳 as he continues to raise the bar!#Sports #IndianSports #NeerajChopra #champion pic.twitter.com/Q6zvjRWG6J
Jakub Vadlejch of the Czech Republic is in the third position while Julian Weber of Germany is in the fourth position. Nadeem and Oliver Helander of Finland make up top six in the list.
Peters was the winner of three Diamond League events in Lausanne, Zurich, and Brussels. He capped his performance with an Olympic bronze. However, Chopra edged his rival out with a better finish at the French capital in the Olympics. The magazine mentioned that the 27-year-old was unable to breach the 90-meter mark but praised his overall performance throughout the year.
Olympian Neeraj Chopra Named As Best Male Javelin Thrower Of 2024 By Globally Renowned US Track And Field Magazine. #NeerajChopra #TamimIqbal #zelena #Beckysangels #MissFrance2025 #AjithKumar #heleners #TheTraitorsUK #bbvipks3 #TheTraitors #bbvipks3 #BPL2025 #SA20 pic.twitter.com/LgH6skrV44
— anand jha (@anandjha999936) January 11, 2025
Regarding Nadeem’s ranking, the magazine wrote that attending only one meet apart from Olympic gold played a part in his being placed in the fifth position.
“What do you do with an Olympic gold medallist who had only one other meet, and finished 4th in that one? Thus it was decided that Arshad Nadeem could be no higher than No. 5 even though he climbed to No 6 on the all-time list.”