Panipat: Over two years after ETV Bharat highlighted the miserable condition of an aspiring boxer in Haryana's Panipat, a social organisation has come to the help of the boxer to change his life for good. The exclusive ETV Bharat report of September, 2021 has now changed the life of boxer Monu alias Tyson of Buana Lakhu village of Panipat, who is struggling with poverty.
ETV Bharat had reported how Monu alias Tyson used to practice his sport day and night with an empty stomach with the determination to win the Olympics. Due to poverty, local villagers used to arrange for his diet. Seeing the talent and passion of this player, the coach also used to help Monu in every possible way from his own pocket.
The story of the aspiring boxer struggling with poverty was raised prominently by ETV Bharat, with the story bearing fruits and the boxer's life changing for good. It is learnt that in September 2021, the ETV Bharat story was seen by the Fauji Bhaichara Group of Haryana which helps players and students facing financial crisis.
The members of the group reached out to Monu alias Tyson and helped him in every possible way. Sources said that the Fauji Bhaichara Group helped Monu alias Tyson continuously for three years. They bore the expenses of his diet and kit and all other arrangements. Monu has now been selected in Indian Railways. Sachin, a member of the group, while thanking ETV Bharat, said that he came to know about Monu's condition only after watching the ETV Bharat story.
“Otherwise perhaps we would not have been able to reach Monu today and Monu would have had to struggle for a long time to get a better life despite being talented,” Sachin said. “If ETV Bharat had not been there, it would not have been possible for me to reach out to Monu,” he added. Sachin further said that after getting a job in Railways, Monu has now promised him that like other soldiers, he too will transfer a part of his salary to the account of Fauji Bhaichara Group, which will further help people struggling with poverty like him.
Pertinently, Monu's sister was also a national boxer who too has left her sport due to financial constraints and is married now. In September 2021, ETV Bharat noticed that boxer Monu aka Tyson was struggling with poverty despite being a talent, after which ETV Bharat featured his story prominently. Monu's father used to earn his living by selling popcorn on the streets.
Monu's mother used to work as a laborer in a factory.