Mandi (Himachal Pradesh): As fresh snowfall blanketed Himachal Pradesh, a video showing Hindu priest meditating amidst heavy snowfall at a mountain peak is going viral on social media. While some netizens are linking the meditation to Sanatan Dharma, others are calling it AI generated. The video is believed to be from Seraj Valley of Kullu district and is said to have been shot in the first week of February when Himachal received a fresh bout of snow.
In the 40-odd-second video, a Siddha Yogi is seen engrossed in yoga amidst a moderate blizzard at the snow-clad mountain peak. The yogi has been identified as Satyendra Nath who is originally from Kullu district Banjar. Nath has an ashram named Kaulantak Peeth in Balichowki of Mandi district where he has been practicing yoga for the last 20 to 22 years, sources said.
Satyendra Nath alias Ishputra, a beloved Yogi
Sources said that Mahayogi Satyendra Nath's Guru was Ishanath for which people gave him the sobriquet of Ishputra based on the name of his guru. Ishputra is a yogi of the Siddha tradition of the Himalayas. His real name is Mahayogi Satyendra Nath. He is the Peethadhishwar of Kaulantak Peeth, which is the only Peeth of Siddhas in the Himalayas and follows the Dev tradition as its basis. Local sources said that Ishputra's fans are spread across many countries.
Kaulantak Peeth propagates Yoga and Devdharma in more than eight countries. Since Ishputra is a Peethadhishwar, his disciples are always around him. Ishputra is a yogi of the Himalayas, so he can always be seen practicing meditation atop mountains, dense forests, rivers and waterfalls.
Mahayogi Satyendra Nath has been practicing since childhood
Since childhood, Ishputra has been practicing the path of sadhana taught by his another guru, Siddhant Nath Ji. After completing his college studies, Ishputra completely took over the 'Kaulantak Peeth' ashram. Sources said that the current video was taken while Ishputra was practicing meditation for about a month in the mountains Saraj Valley along with his two disciples. It is said that in the mountains, it started snowing and a blizzard was triggered.
In such a situation, the frightened disciples approached Ishputra, but found him in a state of deep meditation and captured his video on a mobile phone. As the video surfaced on social media, people were left in awe of the meditation.
Sources said that the video was shot by Ishputra's disciple named Rahul. Rahul, sources said, manages Ishputra's PR and shoots his Guru's videos in a bid to convey Ishputra's messages to the disciples spread all over the world. Besides, the objective behind making these videos is to introduce the youth of the new generation to Yoga and also to inspire them for meditation. Yogi Satyendra Nath has been practicing meditation in snow clad mountains since childhood.
Why is meditation done in snow?
There is a text in the Siddha tradition of the Himalayas called 'Shwet Meru Kalpa' which tells the methods of doing meditation in the snow and on the mountains. For the Yogis of the Himalayas, snow is a symbol of unity, truth and peace. Meditation is performed on the complex Himalayas by awakening one's 'Kundalini' energy in the religious jargon.