Gwalior: Sunil Yadav, a constable in the office of the Inspector General of Police, is gearing up to showcase his extraordinary skills during the upcoming Republic Day parade. Known as the "Bahubali of Gwalior," Sunil has been practising tirelessly at the SAF ground, aiming to pull five cars simultaneously with a hook clenched in his teeth.
A Dream Of Pulling 8 Cars
Sunil’s ultimate ambition is to pull eight cars at once, a feat he is working towards by gradually increasing the number of cars he can manage. Currently, he is focused on perfecting the ability to pull five cars, a task that has already left onlookers in awe. He has even sought permission from senior officials to demonstrate this remarkable skill during the main Republic Day event.
Inspired By A Punjabi Stuntman
Sunil's passion for this unique stunt began after he watched a stuntman from Punjab, known as the "Steel Man," perform similar feats on YouTube. Motivated by this, Sunil decided to attempt something different and started practising with a single car, then gradually increased the number to two, four, and now five. His goal is to one day pull eight cars simultaneously with his teeth.
A Healthy Lifestyle For Strength
Despite his impressive physical abilities, Sunil maintains a strict vegetarian diet, keeping himself fit and healthy through milk and dry fruits. In addition to pulling cars, he has also mastered other stunts, such as breaking stones with his chest and pulling bikes.
Support From His Department
Sunil credits his success to the support he receives from his department. Whenever he needs time to practice, he is given the necessary time and resources. As the Republic Day parade draws near, Sunil is fully focused on perfecting his car-pulling stunt, determined to make a lasting impression on the audience.