On Sunday, Olympic champion took to his X account and surprised everyone with his marriage announcement with tennis player Himani Mor. One of India best sportsmen tied the knot with celebrated tennis player Himani Mor. The ace javelin thrower married Himani in a private ceremony but nothing less than a dreamy wedding.
Although, Himani is making headlines for her marriage to Chopra, she herself is an accomplished tennis player and trailblazer in sports management. She hails from Larsauli in Haryana and completed schooling at Little Angels School in Panipat. She completed a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Physical Education from Delhi University's Miranda House and moved overseas for further education.
Currently, she is pursuing Master's degree in Science in sports management and administration from McCormack Isenberg School of Management. She also attended Southeastern Louisiana University. Apart from academic, Himani is an excellent tennis player. Mor started playing tennins on a rooftop and went on to achieve national and international awards. As a player, Himani has worked as a part-time assistannt to coach at Franklin Pierce University. She also manages the tennis team of Amherst College, where she is graduate assistant.
The Tokyo Olympics Gold medallist announced the marriage on his social media handles. "I began a new chapter of my life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after," Chopra wrote in a post with the pictures of the marriage ceremony.
Neeraj had kept details about his wedding under wraps. The wedding comes months after Neeraj Chopra wins his second Olympic medal, a silver at the Paris Games. In 2021, Neeraj became the first Indian to win an individual gold medal in a track and field event at the Olympics.
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