Fawad Khan, a Pakistani actor became a household name after his most talked about show Zindagi Gulzar Hai. As Zaroon he wowed audiences as well as critics with his acting prowess. His female fan following grew overnight, which also opened the neighbouring border for actors to work. Khan worked in Bollywood films like Khoobsurat, Kapoor & Sons, and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma. The actor has done some of the superhit movies and television shows in Pakistan making him one of the most versatile actors of the 21st century that Pakistan has produced. However, it is not only his shows that make him popular among audience of all age groups but also his fashion and stylish appearances on these show that make him the man of the hour. Marking his birthday on November 29, we list down to a list of shows and films that made the actor one of the most popular and loved actors from Pakistan not just for his acting prowess but also for his impeccable style statements.
Zaroon Junaid in Zindagi Gulzar Hai with sophisticated casuals
One of the most popular shows of Pakistan and India, Zindagi Gulzar Hai featured Khan, who is still loved as Zaroon in the show. Not just his romantic gestures but also his timeless and effortlessly classy style that shows his overall personality. The well-tailored shirts, sleek blazers, and sophisticated casuals are for all men want to exude polished and confident personality. Like Zaroon, pick neutral tones, minimal accessories, and crisp formals to make it elegant and modern.
Jamal Ahmed in Behadd With comfort and elegance
One of the popular Pakistani dramas Behadd features Fawad Khan as its leading man, Jamal Ahmed. Although, his styling in the show is understated, it is refined and reflects grounded and mature personality. He opts for casual wear like simple button-down shirts, well-fitted trousers, and neutral tones. His look exudes balance of comfort with elegance.
Shehryar in Barzakh as introspective fashion style
Touted as one of his best performances, Khan plays Shehryay, a protagonist featuring nuanced portrayal of love, loss and redemption. Corresponding to his character, the actor embraces a sophisticated and introspective fashion style. Featuring earthy tones, tailored suits, and some classic silhouettes that reflect his mature and contemplative nature.
Vikram Singh Rathore in Khoobsurat exuding royalty
Featuring Sonam Kapoor and Fawad Khan as the protagonists, Khoobsurat happened to be Khan's first movie in India and Bollywood. As a Rajput prince, Khan looks impeccably regal in his tailored suits, crisp shirts, and elegant bandhgalas exuding royalty.
Rahul Kapoor in Kapoor & Sons with casuals and modern blends
If you haven't watched this movie, then you are missing out on something really interesting. More because, Khan is in his best casual yet stylish look. In his relaxed contemporary outfit featuring graphic tees, denim jackets, and well-fitted trousers, goes with his character and charming personality adding a modern vibe.
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