Hyderabad: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has scored brownie points from his wife Akshata Murty in cooking. She said that he not only cooks well, but also interested in cooking. Apart from that he has a good skill in dishing out delicacies, she pointed out. Sunak said that due to heavy responsibilities as the Prime Minister, he does not get much time to spend in the kitchen. In an interview with a magazine ahead of International Women's Day, both of them shared interesting things about their daily life.
Akshata said that out of the two, Rishi is more methodical and often comes into the bedroom and arranges the bed properly. She said that he is not a person, who gets up early in the morning. She further said, "You don't even like to make the bed. It hurts me," comments Sunak jokingly with me". "Even when both of us were studying at Stanford University... I used to eat on the bed and leave the plates there. Rishi used to get angry at that time," she pointed out. Akshata said, "I am not a systematic person compared to him." Both of them like to watch 'Friends' TV show and they relax by watching those episodes before going to sleep.
Akshata takes the responsibility of daughters Krishna and Anoushka's homework and Sunak takes care of the rest. “I am strict when it comes to school. They need to be stretched properly. I keep tabs on them whether they are doing their homework properly or not," she said,
He said that he gets more time to exercise and read books in his daily schedule. Rishi says he only gets time for running once or twice a week. Meanwhile, it may be recalled that Rishi Sunak has been elected as the Prime Minister of Britain in October 2022.
Read more: UK PM Sunak Paid Over Half A Million Pounds In Personal Tax