Guwahati: Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma embarked on a four-day official tour to Bhutan. Accompanied by his wife Riniki Bhuyan Sarma and a host of officials from the Assam government, the Assam Chief Minister will participate in the 117th National Day celebration of the Himalayan Kingdom as a special guest.
The visit assumes significance as this is for the first time that the Assam Chief Minister is visiting Bhutan on an official visit and is being dubbed as a new beginning of Assam's diplomatic relationship with the neighbouring country.
Foreign Minister of Bhutan, His Excellency, Lyonpo DN Dhungyel, Indian Ambassador to Bhutan, Sudhakar Dalela and Cabinet Secretary to the Royal Government of Bhutan, Kesang Deki - received the Assam Chief Minister at the Paro airport on Monday. Himanta Biswa Sarma was given a ceremonial welcome at Paro airport, which included a traditional Bhutanese dance performance and Bihu dance performance.
"I am on my way to Thimphu to attend Bhutan's National Day celebrations at the invitation of His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. This visit, I sincerely hope, will reinforce the enduring friendship between the great people of Bhutan and the state of Assam," Himanta Biswa Sarma posted on his X handle on Monday.
The visit by the Assam Chief Minister to Bhutan assumes immense significance considering the age-old relations between Bhutan and Assam. It is also the first-ever visit by an Assam Chief Minister to Bhutan, and it is seen as a significant step in strengthening the historical bond between the two regions.
Sarma is likely to meet His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, as well as meet Bhutan’s Prime Minister. The Assam Chief Minister is also likely to meet trade bodies and other dignitaries in Bhutan during his visit.