New Delhi: The Central government on Wednesday launched the 'myCGHS' app for iOS to provide Central Government Health Scheme beneficiaries access to electronic health records, information, and resources.
The myCGHS iOS app, developed by the technical teams of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) Himachal Pradesh and NIC Health Team, is a convenient mobile application offering features aimed at enhancing information and accessibility for CGHS beneficiaries.
Expressing his enthusiasm for the launch, the Union Health Secretary, Apurva Chandra said, “The myCGHS app is an essential leap for CGHS in the realm of healthcare services. It empowers Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) beneficiaries with convenient access to essential healthcare features right at their fingertips. This initiative aligns with the government's vision of leveraging technology to enhance the quality and accessibility of healthcare services.”
The myCGHS app facilitates a wide range of services, including booking and cancellation of online appointments, downloading CGHS card and index card, accessing lab reports from CGHS labs, checking medicine history, checking medical reimbursement claim status, accessing referral details, locating nearby wellness centers, staying updated with news and highlights, locating nearby empanelled hospitals, labs, and dental units and accessing contact details of wellness centers and offices.
The app features security features like 2-factor authentication and functionality of mPIN ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of users' data, the health ministry said.
The myCGHS app will now be available for download on both iOS and Android platforms, free of charge. CGHS beneficiaries are encouraged to embrace this innovative solution for a seamless healthcare experience.
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