New Delhi: In a significant milestone, the Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital in New Delhi has operated 24 plastic surgeries in the last 24 hours, coinciding with the World Plastic Surgery Day observed on July 15.
"The patients are the most oppressed and distressed souls in our profession, hence we decided that the celebration of Plastic Surgery Day will have the premise of bringing joy and relief to them. We decided to do Shramdaan in our Karmbhumi-the Operation Theater. Thus the idea of organising the Plastic Surgery OT Marathon operating on patients from 9 AM of July 15 to 9 AM of July 16 was done. We chose the patients whose surgeries were postponed and cases needing immediate care,” said Dr Pulin Kumar Gupta, in charge of the media cell at RML hospital.
He said that the most crucial collaboration of this event was with the Department of Anaesthesia. Dr Neerja Banerjee, head of Anesthesia and the team headed by Dr Rupesh conducted the OT as a mission. "The plastic surgery team of 17 surgeons was deployed who carried out 24 operations over the last 24 hours with flawless precision. The nursing and technical and support staff worked with utmost dedication," said Dr Sameek Bhattacharya, Director Professor & Head, the Department of Burns Plastic, Maxillofacial And Microvascular Surgery, RML hospital.
The patients include both males and females between the age group of 6 to 47 years old. Plastic surgery was operated on eight minors and 14 adults. Of the two minors (two years of age) bardach's palatal repair and contracture release with skin grafting were done. The oldest male, a 47-years-old patient underwent lymphangioma excision plastic surgery.
India has rapidly become a hot favourite plastic & cosmetic surgery destination for medical tourists from worldwide because people get world-class facilities at more affordable and economical costs, higher success rates and safety measures.
According to the Association of Plastic Surgeons in India (APSI) Indian plastic surgeons already have a great reputation when it comes to the finest surgical skills for providing a wide range of cosmetic as well as plastic surgery procedures. "With increasing popularity and easy availability of such procedures in India, more and more foreigners are flying in to get chiselled looks while experiencing the vast heritage of this ancient country,” the APSI said. Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital located in central Delhi comes under the Central government.