Hyderabad: With less than three months to go until the 2025 Oscars, the buzz around Laapataa Ladies, India's official entry is growing. Directed by Kiran Rao, Aamir Khan's former wife, this film set in rural India, explores a woman's search for identity while challenging societal stereotypes. Despite being producer of the film, Aamir, who lost the opportunity to star in the film, opens up on what if the film brings home the coveted Oscars trophy.
In a recent interview, Aamir expressed that winning the prestigious award would be a moment of euphoria for Indian audiences, who have long waiting for international recognition. As he put it, if Laapataa Ladies were to win, the nation would go "ballistic", such is the passion Indians have for films and the hope of seeing an Indian production clinch the Academy Award.
Interestingly, Aamir almost had a role in Laapataa Ladies. However, the part he was eyeing eventually went to actor Ravi Kishan. Reflecting on this, Aamir confessed that while he didn't actively pursue a role in the film, he was genuinely interested in the project. He added that if the film were to win an Oscar, it would create a global buzz, bringing the movie to international attention and introducing a wider audience to its cultural depth.
Aamir Khan, who has had a illustrious career spanning over three decades, confessed that seeing Laapataa Ladies represent India at the Oscars is a truly heartening moment. Though he doesn't get bogged down by competition, an Oscar win would undoubtedly be a watershed moment for the Indian film industry, paving the way for more Indian films to gain global recognition.
With Laapataa Ladies now in the global spotlight, the hopes of an Oscar win are higher than ever. The shortlist for the 2025 Academy Awards will be revealed on December 17, 2024, and all eyes will be on this film to see if it heads ahead in competition.
Meanwhile, Kiran Rao's Laapataa Ladies has now been rebranded as Lost Ladies for its international campaign. Released in theatres on March 1, 2024, the film features fresh faces Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, alongside known names like Ravi Kishan, and Chhaya Kadam.
At the 97th Academy Awards ceremony, India, with a film industry over 100 years old, has had three films nominated for the Best International Feature category: Mother India, Salaam Bombay, and Lagaan. However, none of them won. More recently, RRR made waves by winning the Best Original Song award, while The Elephant Whisperers took home the Best Documentary Short Oscar. Films like Writing with Fire and All That Breathes also garnered nominations in the Best Documentary Feature category. Yet, the elusive dream of an Oscar for an Indian film remains just that, a dream.
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