Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon has been in the spotlight recently for her much-talked-about Greece holiday. She had flown out of India to celebrate her birthday on July 27 by spending time with her loved ones in Greece. The Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya actor was also joined by her rumoured partner Kabir Bahia, sister Nupur Sanon, and a few other close friends. The actor was spotted at Mumbai airport as she returned from her vacation amid video leaks showing her smoking with Kabir.
The actor has returned to the city following her Greek vacation and was photographed at the airport on Tuesday morning looking gorgeous in a short black dress. For her arrival in Mumbai, she kept it cool, simple and chic in a black mini-dress. She smiled when interacting with the media and obliged to selfie requests by fans.
Amid the dating rumours, Kriti's smoking video and photographs of vaping went viral on the internet. Sanon also shared photos from her getaway, and it appears she did not want to return home. A video of her beside the beech showed her enjoying while the song 'Aa raat bhar, jaye na ghar' plays from her debut film Heropanti opposite Tiger Shroff.
She then shared photos with her sister Nupur Sanon on Friendships Day, and wrote, "I like myself better when I'm with you. With my bestest friend for life..Happy Friendship Day Everyone!!" However, the actor did not post any pictures with Kabir, keeping her reported relationship a hush-hush. Despite the rumours, Sanon has refrained from commenting on her personal life.
On the professional front, Kriti was most recently seen in the film Crew alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tabu. The actor now has taken on the role of producer for the film Do Patti, which will also star Kajol.
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