Hyderabad: Alia Bhatt celebrated her 31st birthday with her close friends and family members including Ranbir Kapoor, Isha Ambani, Akash Ambani, Neetu Kapoor, and Shaheen Bhatt. They had a cozy dinner at The Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai, where Alia looked stunning in a shiny corset and blue pants, while Ranbir kept it simple in all-black attire. Pictures and videos from the celebration were captured by paparazzi.
Last year, Alia celebrated her 30th birthday in London with Ranbir and a few others. She shared photos on Instagram, showing her wearing a pink cardigan and blowing out candles on a chocolate cake. She hugged Ranbir and posed with her mom Soni and other guests. There was even a chocolate slab with "30 years of sunshine" written on it.
Talking about her work, Alia recently appeared in Karan Johar’s movie Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani alongside Ranveer Singh. She also made her Hollywood debut in Heart of Stone with Gal Gadot. Up next, she will star in Jigra directed by Vasan Bala, releasing in September. Headlining the film alongside Vedang Raina, Alia is also serving as co-producer for the film with Karan Johar. The actor will also be seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and War with Ranbir and Vicky Kaushal. The film is said to be going on floors later this year to catch a Christmas 2025 release.
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