Hyderabad: The highly anticipated teaser of Rashmika Mandanna's upcoming film, The Girlfriend, is all set to be unveiled on Monday. And, in a delightful surprise for fans, Vijay Deverakonda, Rashmika's rumoured boyfriend and co-star, will be launching the teaser. The teaser launch, scheduled for tomorrow at 11:07 AM, has generated immense excitement among fans.
Vijay Deverakonda, who has also lent his voice for the teaser, will be presenting the first glimpse of The Girlfriend to the audience. Directed by Rahul Ravindran, The Girlfriend is a romantic drama that features Rashmika Mandanna in the lead role. The film, produced by GA2 Pictures, Mass Movie Makers, and Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment, promises to be a captivating tale of love and relationships.
Rashmika Mandanna, who is currently basking in the success of Pushpa 2: The Rule, is stepping into a new genre with The Girlfriend. This film marks her first time playing an author-backed role, and she is poised to carry the film on her own. With the teaser launch of The Girlfriend tomorrow, fans are eagerly awaiting the first glimpse of Rashmika Mandanna's upcoming film.
The bond between Rashmika and Vijay has been in the news for quite some time now. The two actors, who have worked together in films like Geetha Govindam and Dear Comrade, are rumoured to be in a relationship. Recently, Rashmika was spotted watching Pushpa 2 with Vijay Deverakonda's family, further fuelling the rumours.
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