Hyderabad: Actor Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal, who are expecting their first child, held a baby shower ceremony on Sunday, April 21. Shahid Kapoor's wife Mira Rajput attended the baby shower among others and shared a sweet photo from the event. Among the smiling faces, what caught the attention was Varun's sister-in-law Jaanvi Dhawan's heartwarming gesture for the couple.
Jaanvi Dhawan, the wife of Varun's elder brother Rohit Dhawan, took on chef duties as she prepared a customised 2-tier cake for the actor and his wife. It was a handcrafted cake made specifically for the baby shower celebrations. The delicious two-tier cake was decorated with flowers on the sides and topped with a cute teddy bear. The white teddy bear had pink roses in his hands with a matching bow.
Jaanvi earned a shout-out from Shahid's wife Mira Rajput, who shared a picture of the cake to her Instagram Story and wrote: "Jaanvi Dhawan well-done baking. Congrats VD and Natasha. Not just Mira, several of Varun's fan pages also dropped inside pictures and videos on social media. Their happy photos from the celebrations are now going viral on the internet.
In the pictures, Natasha looks gorgeous in a white floral off-shoulder outfit, cradling her baby belly while standing next to her husband Varun, who is styled in a white T-shirt with a blue floral shirt on it. They are joined by several of their buddies. Varun and Natasha cut the two-tiered cake while the song Congratulations & Celebrations plays in the background.
In another video, we see two members of the actor's staff carry out a large box of cartons filled with presents. Varun and Natasha, in a sweet gesture, sent gifts for the paparazzi stationed outside their residence. Their kind act has the internet praising the expectant parents.
The adorable couple had announced their pregnancy in February. The duo shared a stunning photo in which Varun can be seen planting a kiss on Natasha's baby belly. The Student of The Year actor got married to his longtime girlfriend Natasha on January 24, 2021, in Alibag.
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