Hyderabad: Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal, who recently became parents, were spotted bringing their newborn baby girl home from a Mumbai hospital. In a video posted on Instagram by a paparazzi, Varun could be seen cradling their bundle of joy as they drove away while Natasha followed them.
The year 2024 has been significant for Varun Dhawan, both professionally and personally. Apart from the highly anticipated upcoming releases like Citadel: Honey Bunny, and Baby John, Varun and his wife Natasha welcomed their first child, a baby girl born on June 3 in Mumbai.
Although they haven't revealed her name yet, they affectionately refer to her as 'Baby Dhawan.' Varun, in an announcement post, expressed gratitude for the well-wishes, saying, "Our baby girl is here 💞 Thank you for all the good wishes for the mama and the baby." He also included a Sanskrit chant in his caption.
Varun's happiness as a father is evident, especially considering his earlier wish expressed on Koffee With Karan to have a daughter. Back then, he mentioned Shahid Kapoor's fatherhood and expressed his desire to experience fatherhood himself one day.
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