Hyderabad: Actor Krishna Mukherjee, who gained prominence for her lead role in the TV show Shubh Shagun, has made allegations of harassment against the show's producer Kundan Singh. Mukherjee claims that Singh has failed to pay her a substantial amount owed for her work on the show, which she says has been pending for five months.
According to Mukherjee, her ordeal began when she started working on Shubh Shagun, a decision she now regrets. She alleges that she was subjected to "harassment" by the production house and Singh, who she says once "locked her in her makeup room when she was unwell" and "refused to shoot due to non-payment of wages".
Mukherjee's Instagram post details her harrowing experience, where she expressed that she felt "unsafe, broken and scared". She claims to have asked for help from many people, but no one could do anything about it. The actor fears that if she takes up another project, the same issue might recur, and she is seeking justice.
Several actors, including Surbhi Chandna, Shraddha Arya, Avika Gor, Aditi Bhatia, Avinash Mishra, Pavitraa Puniya, and Neena Kulkarni, have come out in support of Mukherjee, commending her bravery for speaking out.
However, Kundan Singh denied the allegations, terming them as "false and frivolous". He has threatened to take legal action against Mukherjee and has accused her of previously filing a false FIR against two other individuals from the production house, which he claims was motivated by personal vendetta.