Hyderabad: Deepika Padukone was seemingly impressed by Nick Jonas' performance alongside King at Lollapalooza India 2024, singing Maan Meri Jaan. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, known as one of the most adored celebrity couples, naturally received a warm reception, especially Nick, fondly referred to as 'national jiju', as he took the stage for the first time in India with the Jonas Brothers. Videos capturing fans chanting 'jiju jiju' for Nick Jonas quickly spread across social media, reflecting the excitement of the moment. Deepika also joined the chorus of admiration for Nick Jonas, praising his collaboration with King on Maan Meri Jaan.
Taking to her Instagram story on Wednesday, Deepika shared a clip of Nick Jonas' electrifying performance at the music festival. The footage captured Nick and singer-rapper King delivering a high-energy rendition of Maan Meri Jaan, enthralling the crowd with their stage presence. Deepika shared a video of Nick and King from the music fest and captioned it with "So cool," tagging Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas, and King in her post. It's worth noting that Deepika and Priyanka previously collaborated in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 2015 period drama, Bajirao Mastani.
During their debut performance in India, Nick Jonas took a moment to address the audience, acknowledging the significance of the occasion. "Listen up! This is our very first time ever performing in India," he exclaimed, adding a playful remark about their sangeet ceremony in 2018, humorously stating, "The sangeet doesn’t count."
Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra, touched by the overwhelming response from the crowd chanting 'jiju' during Nick's performance, shared her heartfelt gratitude on social media, captioning the video with "My heart (red heart and teary eyed emojis) Thank you Mumbai.”
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas tied the knot in December 2018 at Jodhpur's Umaid Bhawan Palace and are now proud parents to their two-year-old daughter Malti Marie.
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