Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, also the owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders, became embroiled in a scandal after some social media posts claimed he was smoking inside the Eden Gardens stadium during Saturday's IPL 2024 match against Sunrisers Hyderabad. There were photographs and videos that showed SRK smoking inside the stadium's VIP box. The video went viral on social media in no time, and many people called him out for his actions being a youth icon.
Amidst a tense environment at the pavilion, actor Shah Rukh Khan was seen smoking a cigarette. This occurred as his team, the Kolkata Knight Riders, was in a critical situation at 77-4. When KKR was going through a difficult time, presumably due to strain, SRK, who is a chain smoker, was seen indulging in his favourite activity. His manager, Pooja Dadlani, was also seen by his side.
Many social media users took to the micro blogging site X (formerly known as Twitter) to share the video. Netizens slammed SRK for his callous behaviour despite being an icon. Re-sharing the video, an X user wrote: "How dare @StarSportsIndia show this man #ShahRukhKhan smoking live on TV when most of the youth in this country is watching it!👎👎Broadcasters need to avoid showing this man on TV in order to save our kids’s future! @BCCI please ban @iamsrk from entering any stadium in India!"
SRK, a co-owner of KKR, has been the franchise's recognisable face since the league's beginning. He consistently brings his charm and attitude to the IPL stage when the chance arises. On Saturday, as KKR faced SRH in their season opener, Shah Rukh was present to support his team.
SRK is known as one of the most supportive franchise owners, sticking with his team through thick and thin. It's interesting that SRK's smoking coincided with a change in KKR's fortunes. KKR pulled off an incredible comeback owing to the heroics of Ramandeep Singh and Andre Russell.
There have been various issues concerning SRK and the IPL, most notably the incident in which he was banned from Wankhede Stadium for several years. A similar incident occurred during the Pakistan Super League (PSL) final, when Imad Wasim was seen smoking a cigarette in the dressing room.
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