Hyderabad: The much-anticipated sequel to the 2016 romantic hit Sanam Teri Kasam has been officially announced. The film's makers took to social media to confirm the sequel Sanam Teri Kasam 2 igniting excitement among fans who loved the original film's epic love story and memorable music. The first installment of Sanam Teri Kasam featured a fresh pairing of Harshvardhan Rane and Pakistani actor Mawra Hocane.
Their chemistry and the film's hit soundtrack, including the popular track Tu Kheench Meri Photo, contributed to its success and enduring fanbase. However, the sequel's announcement has been met with mixed reactions. Many fans expressed disappointment over the lack of confirmation regarding Mawra Hocane's return as the female lead. Social media is abuzz with comments such as, "Sanam Teri Kasam without Mawra is impossible" and "This movie cannot be fulfilled without Mawra."
The fans of the original film are hopeful that the makers will listen to their pleas and bring back Hocane to reprise her role as Saru. In addition to casting concerns, fans are also eager for the sequel to feature a soundtrack that lives up to the original. There are calls for the return of music directors like Mithoon and Ankit Tiwari, known for their successful songs. However, the film's makers are yet to share the final cast or plot details for Sanam Teri Kasam 2.
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