Hyderabad: Rishi Kapoor, the late and beloved actor, would have celebrated his 72nd birth anniversary today. The iconic star, who passed away in April 2020 after a long battle with leukaemia, left a significant emotional void among his family, friends, and fans. On his special day, tributes filled with love and remembrance for Rishi Kapoor are flooding social media platforms. His wife Neetu Kapoor and their daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni took to their respective Instagram handles to express their heartfelt sentiments for the actor.
Neetu shared a touching post, featuring a throwback photo taken at a past celebration. In her post, she reflected on how he would have reached the age of 72 today, writing, "In remembrance, would have been 72 today." The image captures Rishi as he blows out the candles from a previous birthday celebration, looking dapper in a classic black tuxedo paired with a white shirt and a matching tie.
Riddhima, too, shared a cherished memory from one of Rishi's earlier birthdays, showcasing a sweet moment where he blows out candles alongside his granddaughter, Samara. She conveyed her deep desire for him to be present, celebrating this special day with his granddaughters. Her post read, "Happy Birthday Papa. How I wish you were here celebrating your special day with both your granddaughters. Your 'bandari' Sam is all grown up and baby Raha is the cutest - She is a mini you. Papa, I will always cherish the memories we have to share. We miss you so much, and our love for you only deepens with each passing day."
Rishi Kapoor is fondly remembered for his remarkable contributions to the Bollywood film industry, starring in numerous classics such as Bobby, Agneepath, Chandni, Deewana, and Amar Akbar Anthony, among others. His illustrious career spanned decades, with his final performance in the movie Sharmaji Namkeen, which was released after his demise in 2022.
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