Hyderabad: Telugu actor Ravi Teja has sustained an injury, specifically a torn muscle in his right arm, while he was on the set of his upcoming film. Despite experiencing pain, he continued with the shooting, which led to a worsening of his condition. Following this, he underwent a surgical procedure at Yashoda Hospitals, and the doctors have now advised him to take a six-week bed rest to ensure his full recovery.
A representative for the actor publicly confirmed the situation, indicating that Ravi must refrain from work for the next six weeks as he recovers. The representative's statement read, "Mass Maharaja #Raviteja recently sustained a muscle tear in his right hand during the filming of #RT75. Despite the injury, he continued to shoot, which unfortunately led to further aggravation. Yesterday, He underwent a successful surgery at Yashoda Hospitals and as per medical advice, he has been prescribed six weeks of bed rest to ensure a complete recovery."
Mass Maharaja #Raviteja recently sustained a muscle tear in his right hand during the filming of #RT75. Despite the injury, he continued to shoot, which unfortunately led to further aggravation.
— 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐢𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐫 (@UrsVamsiShekar) August 23, 2024
Yesterday, He underwent a successful surgery at Yashoda Hospitals and as per…
In his most recent work, Ravi was featured in Harish Shankar's movie, Mr Bachchan, which was released in theatres on Independence Day. This film went head-to-head with Puri Jagannadh's Double iSmart, unfortunately, both movies did not perform well at the box office. Mr Bachchan serves as a Telugu remake of the 2018 film Raid, which starred Ajay Devgn. Harish's adaptation took a different commercial approach that did not resonate with audiences. Following this, viewers can anticipate catching the actor in his next project, tentatively titled RT75.