Hyderabad: Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and her husband Ranveer Singh became parents to their first child on Saturday. According to reports, the couple has been blessed with a baby girl. The actor was seen visiting the H. N. Reliance Hospital in Mumbai's Girgaon area ahead of her delivery due date.
Prior to her delivery, the actor couple and their families visited the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai on Friday. The expecting parents visited the temple with their families to seek blessings as they prepared for the next exciting chapter of their lives. With Ganeshotsav beginning on Saturday, the families carefully planned the delivery to welcome the baby on this auspicious day.
Deepika and Ranveer revealed their pregnancy in February 2024. According to media reports, the Piku actor was believed to be in her second trimester in February when they made their pregnancy public. The couple announced the news via a social media post, which read "September 2024". It featured adorable motifs of baby clothes, shoes, and balloons.
The two recently shared snippets from their pregnancy shoot, sending their fans into a frenzy. Deepika and Ranveer dropped the pictures on Instagram to also shut the endless speculation and criticism around her pregnancy by sharing the stunning maternity shoot. Posting the pictures, the two just dropped an evil eye, a heart, and an infinity emoji.
Ranveer and Deepika got married in November 2018 in a private and intimate ceremony at Lake Como, photos of which were shared on their Instagram handles. Five years later, the two dropped their stunning wedding video on the chat show Koffee With Karan. Meanwhile, the first-time parents will appear in Rohit Shetty's forthcoming film Singham Again. While Deepika is a newcomer to Shetty's cop universe, Ranveer will appear in a cameo role as Simmba.
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