Bengaluru: Superstar Rajinikanth expressed grief over the passing of veteran Kannada film actor, producer, and director Bungle Shama Rao Dwarakanath, popularly known as Dwarakish. He passed away at the age of 81 due to a cardiac arrest on Tuesday, leaving behind a legacy of over 100 films as an actor and about 50 films as a producer and director.
The news of Dwarakish's demise sparked an outpouring of condolences from various quarters. Rajinikanth, among others, expressed his sorrow on social media, reminiscing about his close friendship with Dwarakish and praising his journey from a comedian to a prominent figure in the Kannada film industry.
Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar highlighted Dwarakish's versatility, acknowledging his contributions as a comedian, hero, and supporting actor. Former Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy emphasized Dwarakish's multifaceted talent and his significant role in the Kannada film industry as both an artist and a filmmaker.
Born in 1942 in Hunsur, Mysuru district, Dwarakish endeared himself to audiences with his comedic prowess, becoming a household name in Karnataka. He also played a pivotal role in introducing Hindi playback singer Kishore Kumar to Kannada cinema.
With a background in mechanical engineering, Dwarakish ventured into the film industry in 1966, co-producing Mamatheya Bandhana under the banner of Thunga Pictures. He achieved considerable success as a producer with Mayor Muthanna, featuring Kannada icon Dr. Rajkumar and Bharathi in lead roles.
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