Hyderabad: Bollywood actors Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda are all set to tie the knot on March 13 in Delhi. The excitement preceding their wedding is apparent as visuals of the groom's house decorated with lights appears, marking the start of festivities. As the big day comes, the couple and their families are busy preparing, looking forward to the wonderful occasion.
The couple's journey to married bliss began with a sweet engagement ceremony in January, where they exchanged rings in the presence of their loved ones in an intimate and private setting. According to sources, Pulkit and Kriti are planning their wedding at the beautiful ITC Grand Bharat in Manesar. The choice of this picturesque site is significant as both Pulkit and Kriti have roots in Delhi, their hometown.
The couple is likely to exchange vows in forthcoming days at ITC Grand Bharat in Manesar, Haryana, amidst the Aravalli range. Given that both families live in the National Capital Region (NCR), it appears that proximity and familial connections played a big factor in the couple's decision to hold their wedding festivities here.
On the professional front, Pulkit was last seen in the third installment of Fukrey. The outstanding cast includes Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma, Manjot Singh, Richa Chadha, and Pankaj Tripathi. He also appeared in the second season of Made in Heaven last year. Kriti, on the other hand, will appear in Risky Romeo, alongside Sunny Singh, which is set for release in May 2024.
The couple together have shown off their on-screen chemistry in several films, including Veerey Ki Wedding, Taish, and Pagalpanti. This is Pulkit's second marriage as he was earlier married to Shweta Rohira.
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