Hyderabad: Actor Pulkit Samrat has set a great example for husbands. The Fukrey 3 actor married Kriti Kharbanda on March 15 this year and as per the tradition of 'pehli rasoi' (first kitchen), he prepared halwa (pudding). Now on Friday, Kriti took to her social media handle and shared several new photos where Pulkit was seen busy making halwa.
The first image shared on Instagram showcased Pulkit handling the utensils near the gas stove, while in another photo, he was seen holding a bowl of halwa. Kriti's caption narrated the entire episode in detail and started with, "Green flag alert! (followed by a red heart emoji) Ok so something major happened yesterday and I fell in love all over again. I didn't think this was possible, but yet, It happened :)"
She stated how Pulkit mentioned that since she cooked for his family, now it was his turn. She wrote, "Pulkit ki pehli rasoi happened yesterday. I walked into the kitchen and realised he’s making halwa. I asked him what he was doing, and he casually responded, 'halwa bana raha hoon, it's my pehli rasoi.' I giggled and told him, pehli rasoi ladki ki hoti hai baby. To which his response was, 'that’s so silly, we’ve both decided to share equal responsibility in this relationship. You cooked for our family back home in Delhi, I’ll cook for our family here in bangalore. Simple!"
Appreciating Pulkit's kind gesture, Kriti concluded by expressing, "He used the word simple. Yes. So casually he changed everything around and used the word simple. And in all honesty it was. It was that simple. @pulkitsamrat you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thank you for showing me that you’re the best decision I’ve ever made. Tu sabr ka phal hai baby, sabse meetha!" She also included hashtags like 'Best Husband Ever', breaking stereotypes, and breaking norms in her post.
Kriti and Pulkit recently shared their official wedding photos on Instagram in a collaborative post. In the pictures, Pulkit was seen in a mint green sherwani for the wedding, while Kriti looked gorgeous in a pink lehenga.