Hyderabad: The makers of the eagerly anticipated series Panchayat have started filming its fourth season, much to the excitement of the fans. Streaming service Prime Video made this announcement on Tuesday on social media, sharing exclusive photos from the series' set featuring returning stars Jitendra Kumar, Chandan Roy, and Faisal Malik. These behind-the-scenes glimpses mark the start of a new chapter in the Panchayat world, promising fans an engaging continuation of the rural tale they've come to love.
Panchayat, created by Deepak Kumar Mishra and written by Chandan Kumar, is a heartwarming series set in rural India that follows the journey of Abhishek, a young city professional, who takes on the role of Secretary of the Gram Panchayat in Phulera village. Played by Jitendra Kumar, Abhishek initially struggles to adjust to the village lifestyle, but over time, forms deep bonds with the villagers, including the Pradhan-Pati (Raghubir Yadav), village Pradhan (Neena Gupta), Prahlad Cha (Faisal Malik), and office assistant Vikas (Chandan Roy).
Produced by The Viral Fever (TVF), Season 4 will see these core characters return, alongside new faces, expanding the Phulera universe. Directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra and Akshat Vijaywargiya, the show promises to deliver the same warmth, humour, and relatable moments that have defined the series. Following the release of Season 3 in May, fans eagerly await what this upcoming season holds. The release date of the series is yet to be announced.