Jaipur: Pandit Laxman Bhatt Tailang, renowned for his expertise in Dhrupad singing, passed away at the age of 93 at Durlabhji Hospital in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Unfortunately, his demise occurred before he could receive the Padma Shri award, which the government had announced on January 26. He had been battling pneumonia and other ailments in the hospital for some time.
According to his daughter, Professor Madhu Bhatt Tailang, Pandit Tailang had been admitted to Durlabhji Hospital due to his declining health. Despite receiving treatment, he passed away at 9 am on Saturday.
Throughout his life, Pandit Tailang dedicated himself to music, imparting extensive musical education to his children, including Ravi Shankar, Shobha, Usha, Nisha, Madhu, Poonam, and Aarti, nurturing their talents across various musical genres.
His contributions extended beyond teaching; he served as a music lecturer at Banasthali Vidyapith and the Rajasthan Music Institute. Additionally, he founded the 'Rasmanjari Sangeetopasna Kendra' in Jaipur in 1985 and the 'International Dhrupad-Dham Trust' in Jaipur in 2001.
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