Hyderabad: Actor Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Mumbai-based gallerist Nocholai Sachdev tied the knot on July 3 in Chennai's Hotel Leela Palace in an intimate ceremony, surrounded by loved ones. The newlyweds then hosted a reception in Thailand's Krabi, followed by another celebration in Chennai, which was attended by a plethora of stars from the film industry. Now on Saturday, the actor took to her social media handle to share a string of unseen pictures from their wedding held in Thailand.
Sharing the photos from their dreamy Thailand wedding on Instagram, Varalaxmi gave her fans a glimpse into the magical day. The actor and her groom opted for a traditional Tamil-style wedding, with all the customary rituals and attire. Varalaxmi looked radiant in a stunning red saree, intricately outlined with gold zari, which she paired with a choker, long chain, jhumkas, and maang tikka. Nocholai Sachdev complemented her perfectly, donning an off-white veshti and shirt.
Along with the pictures, Varalaxmi wrote, "I finally got my Fairytale Wedding..!! My Prince asked me to marry him and I did..!!! One day down and forever to go.!! To Love, Laughter and Loads of food..!! I love you Nicholai.. Thank you for making me feel like the world’s most beautiful bride @jayalakshmisundaresan."
On the professional front, Varalaxmi is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Raayan, an action-packed gangster drama directed by Dhanush. The movie boasts an impressive star cast including Dhanush, SJ Suryah, Prakash Raj, Selvaraghavan, Kalidas Jayaram, Sundeep Kishan, Varalaxmi, Dushara Vijayan, and Aparna Balamurali. The film's music has been composed by AR Rahman, and it is slated to hit the screens on July 26.