Hyderabad: Actor Yash, accompanied by his wife Radhika Pandit and their kids Ayra and Yatharv, recently made a visit to Chitrapur Math temple located in Bhatkal, north coastal Karnataka. Images of Yash making purchases at a grocery store in the locality started circulating on social media and without a doubt, went viral as well.
The KGF star Yash was seen outside a local grocery store purchasing ice candy for his wife Radhika, who was also spotted in one of the pictures. The social media users were impressed by the actor's down-to-earth demeanour, acknowledging his humility despite his renowned status as a superstar in the state. His fans commended him for his grounded nature.
The actor's fans were eager for updates on his upcoming film, tentatively titled Yash 19. During the BGS Utsav event held in Bengaluru in November 2023, Yash expressed his gratitude towards his fans for their support for his upcoming film Yash 19. Asserting his dedication, the actor emphasized the importance of delivering a high-quality movie, urging his audience to remain patient for a satisfying cinematic experience that will surely meet everyone's expectations.
Moving forward, Yash is set to star in Geetu Mohandas' forthcoming movie, Toxic. The film is said to be a mass action-packed entertainer, unfolding against the backdrop of the Goan Mafia. Reports suggest that Kareena Kapoor Khan and Shah Rukh Khan have been approached for significant roles in the film, although there has been no official confirmation from the production team regarding the involvement of these Bollywood celebrities.