Hyderabad: Actor Yash and his wife Radhika Pandit are currently enjoying a holiday break. Yash, best known for his role in KGF, took a day off from his work to spend quality time with his family. On Friday evening, Radhika Pandit took to her social media handle to share some glimpses from their holiday and reveal her personal photographer.
Taking to Instagram, Radhika shared a couple of pictures from their vacation wherein her daughter Ayra can be seen clicking pictures of her parents. In another photo, Radhika posed solo as her daughter captured her picture. Sharing the pictures, Radhika wrote in the caption, "My new personal photographer (followed by a red heart emoji and a nazar amulet emoji)."
On the professional front, Yash is gearing up for his next project, Toxic - A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups, helmed by Geethu Mohandas. Following the huge success of the KGF franchise, fans of Yash are eagerly anticipating updates about his next film. Meanwhile, recent photos of the actor on the movie set have been circulating on social media platforms.
In these images, Yash is seen with the team; he is dressed in a maroon T-shirt and black pants, his head covered with a beanie as part of his recent hairstyle. Fans speculate that he is concealing his new hairstyle for his character in the Toxic film. Sporting his signature sunglasses, Yash embodies a casual style during discussions with the team.
There is much speculation regarding the female lead in Toxic, with names like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kiara Advani, and Shruti Haasan in the spotlight. Fans are eagerly anticipating an official announcement regarding the cast.