Hyderabad: There have been persistent rumours about Prasanth Varma's upcoming film Rakshas, which involves creative differences with Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh. Prasanth has now refuted these allegations, providing an update on the status of the movie. Rakshas' title has caused debate within the writing team, with suggestions ranging from Rakshas to Brahmarakshas, Prasanth told a newswire. However, the director was clear in his vision and stuck with the former.
The choice to stick to Rakshas resulted from prioritising a name that appealed to all facets of society. There was also a rumour that Ranveer Singh showed up at Prasanth's office in a fleet of cars. The stage workers and local shops had expressed dissatisfaction with Ranveer's team's attitude. Shedding light on the matter, Varma said: "Yes, Ranveer Singh has his own style. He came to the office with a whole caravan. But, the way of working in the South is different. Here everyone works as a team. No one ever tries to impose any kind of authority on anyone."
Prasanth also responded to the reports of long shot durations and creative disagreements saying, "It's not true that it takes me three or four days to shoot a half-hour scene. We worked quickly to finish his look test. I would rather not focus on these rumours because I don't know where they came from."
Senior technicians who were in attendance at the Hyderabad shoot attested to Ranveer's zeal. A technician remarked, "Ranveer’s spirited performance in Telugu post-shoot showed his excitement for this project." The article disclosed that Prasanth and Ranveer Singh are still in touch with each other, despite rumours that Rakshas will be shelved or that Ranveer might leave the Rs 300 crore film. However, final talks are in progress, and everything is going according to plan for the filming to start on time.
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