Hyderabad: Actor Nayanthara and her husband, filmmaker Vignesh Shivan, have once again captured the internet’s attention with their sweet displays of affection and family moments. After their adorable appearance at a recent award gala, the couple shared heartwarming birthday posts for their twin sons, Uyir and Ulag, who recently turned two. They celebrated this milestone in the picturesque surroundings of Greece, sharing their joy on Instagram.
On Thursday, Nayanthara shared delightful pictures of their family enjoying time outdoors. In her heartfelt message, she expressed, “Happy birthday, my Azhagannnsss. Every second I spend with u both feels like I hv lived a whole lifetime in that tiny second. Love Life Magic Strength is alllll you. Thank you for this surreal life.”
Her message continued with affection, "I love you both with allllll my heart n soul my dear Uyir baby n ulag baby. May God blesssss u with all the goodness in the universe my babies. Amma & Appa love u to the moon n back. @wikkiofficial."
Vignesh also took to Instagram, sharing a series of joyful pictures from their vacation. He tagged their location as Mykonos, Greece, and wrote, "When I named u guys Uyir & Ulag … I really wanted you both to be my Uyir & Ulag! And that’s how exactly u guys have been to me! My little boys! Love you two, as you Turn Two!"
His post radiated gratitude, stating, "Amma & Appa and the entire family have never been this happy in this entire life. The happiness and fulfilment you guys give us prove that God has so much love on us and is in a generous mode when it comes to blessing us! And I prayed so hard to know that you guys are also blessed immensely! With all these blessings from God & With all the love in this universe! Wish u 2 a very happy happy birthday my life & my world! Love you Twoooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh. #Uyir #Ulag #happybirthday."
Vignesh also shared Nayanthara’s post on his Instagram Stories, praising her dedication: "My uyir you are the best mom. I appreciate you for successfully completing two years of taking care of these boys soooo unbelievably well while also working soooo hard, maintaining yourself, your work discipline and handling everything so efficiently! You inspire me each and everyday! but this day is just too two tooooo special for us and our lives."
Nayanthara and Vignesh tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Chennai on June 9, 2022, surrounded by close friends and family, including notable personalities like Shah Rukh Khan and Rajinikanth. The couple welcomed their sons through surrogacy the same year, with Vignesh sharing the joyous news on Instagram.
Nayanthara's recent projects include the Malayalam film Gold and her Bollywood debut in Jawan, alongside Shah Rukh Khan. She continues to be a prominent figure in Tamil cinema with notable films like Iraivan and Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food.
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