Hyderabad: During the fifth phase of Lok Sabha Polls 2024, actor Akshay Kumar was seen arriving at a polling station in Mumbai to cast his first vote post regaining his Indian citizenship on Independence Day last year. In the visuals from a Juhu polling booth, the Bade Miya Chote Miya actor was seen early in the morning at 7 on Monday waiting patiently in queue to register his vote in the ongoing Lok Sabha Polls. The actor, known for his disciplined lifestyle, was the first from the film fraternity to cast his vote.
Showing off his inked finger, the actor interacted with the media person present at the polling station. He urged people to churn out in huge numbers to cast their votes. In his media interaction, the OMG 2 actor said: "I want my India to be developed and strong. I voted keeping that in mind. India should vote for what they deem is right...I think voter turnout will be good"
The actor was seen wearing a simple olive-green shirt with dark shades and hair neatly combed with side parting. This was his first time voting as the actor got Indian citizenship just last year on Independence Day. For the unversed, Akshay earlier had Canadian citizenship.
Following a string of more than a dozen box office failures in the 1990s, Akshay Kumar had applied for Canadian citizenship. However, the actor gave up his Canadian citizenship in 2019, but because of the Covid-19 outbreak, the procedure took a while to finish. On August 15, 2023, he at last received a letter of his Indian citizenship. In a post published on his official Instagram account, Kumar revealed the news, writing, "Dil aur citizenship, dono Hindustani."
Polling began Monday morning for 13 of Maharashtra's 48 Lok Sabha seats, including six in Mumbai, in the fifth and last phase of the state's general election, according to an official. Voting started at 7 a.m. at 24,553 polling stations and will end at 6 p.m., according to the official. 2.46 crore people are eligible to vote for 264 candidates in Mumbai North, Mumbai North Central, Mumbai North West, Mumbai North East, Mumbai South Central, Mumbai South, Thane, Kalyan, Bhiwandi, Palghar, Nashik, Dindori, and Dhule constituencies.
On the professional front, Akshay Kumar, who will next be seen in Jolly LLB 3 with Arshad Warsi and Huma Qureshi, wrapped the Rajasthan schedule recently. Moreover, Arshad and Akshay will also be seen together in Welcome 3. The Ahmed Khan directorial is slated to hit theatres on December 20, 2024.
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