Hyderabad: Bollywood's IT couple and soon-to-be parents Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were seen arriving at a polling station in Mumbai during the fifth phase of Lok Sabha Polls 2024. The two arrived hand-in-hand in colour-coordinated outfits. The Padmaavat actors looked every bit stylish as they made their way into the designated polling station.
In the visuals, Ranveer can be seen escorting Deepika as he holds the car door for her. For their outing, the two opted for plain white coloured shirts and grey pants. Deepika completed her look with black shades and a ponytail. On the other hand, Ranveer had his hair neatly combed.
Deepika, radiating with pregnancy glow, wore an oversized white shirt with her baby bulge visible, while Ranveer complemented her in a matching white outfit. The duo was surrounded by media persons with their cameras flashing at them to capture them participating in the democratic process.
A little earlier, veteran actor Anupam Kher also joined the electoral fervour, emphasising the significance of voting. "Today is the festival of democracy, and we should come out and vote to elect our government for the next five years," Kher told media after casting his ballot. He said, "If you won't vote today, then you don't have any right to complain about anything about the government for the next five years."
Several well-known Bollywood stars performed the civic right during the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha elections in Mumbai. Earlier in the day, renowned actor Dharmendra was observed voting at the Jamnabai Narsee School in Juhu. Other celebrities, such as Paresh Rawal, Akshay Kumar, Shahid Kapoor, Sanya Malhotra, RajKummar Rao, and Janhvi Kapoor, were spotted at polling stations in the city.
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