Hyderabad: Kiara Advani recently shared a heartfelt birthday message for her fellow actor Shahid Kapoor, who is celebrating his birthday today. Shahid is receiving warm wishes from all around on his special day, and Kiara, who co-starred with him in Kabir Singh, also joined in to extend her greetings. Taking to her social media accounts, Kiara shared a previously unseen photograph from her wedding day, where Shahid was also present.
The bond between Kiara and Shahid strengthened during the filming of Kabir Singh, and they even appeared together on the chat show Koffee With Karan, where they talked about their friendship and experiences. It's worth noting that Shahid, along with his wife Mira Rajput, attended Kiara's wedding last year, showcasing their strong friendship off-screen as well. On Shahid's birthday, Kiara chose to reminisce about their shared moments by sharing an unseen picture from her wedding day, capturing a special moment with her Kabir Singh co-star.
In the shared photo on Kiara's Instagram stories, Shahid can be seen taking a selfie while Kiara is getting ready for her wedding ceremony. Kiara expressed her gratitude to Mira Rajput for sharing this cherished image and wished Shahid a happy birthday. "Happy birthday SK. Thank you Mira Kapoor For Sharing This Image," the caption on Kiara's post reads.
On the work front, Kiara Advani is preparing to venture into the action genre with the upcoming film Don 3, starring alongside Ranveer Singh. She expressed her excitement about this new project, emphasizing her desire to explore different roles and break away from her current image. There are also rumors circulating about Kiara potentially appearing in War 2 alongside Hrithik Roshan and Jr NTR.
Meanwhile, Shahid Kapoor is currently starring in Teri Baaton Mein Uljha Jiya alongside Kriti Sanon, which continues to perform well at the box office. Additionally, he has projects like Deva and Farzi Season 2 lined up, promising audiences more of his versatile performances in the future.
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