Bengaluru: In a big relief to Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, a prime accused in the Renukaswamy murder case, the Karnataka High Court on Friday granted bail to him. Besides, Darshan, all other accused in the case including Pavithra Gowda, the actor's long time friend, was also granted bail.
Darshan is currently out on interim bail and is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Bengaluru for his back pain. Darshan was arrested in Mysuru on June 11 by Bengaluru police for allegedly killing Renukaswamy, a 33-year-old fan of the actor, after his body was found in a drain near Sumanahalli in Magadi Road area in Bengaluru. Police registered the case against Darshan and his friends for 'killing' Renukaswamy for sending obscene messages to Pavithra Gowda.
Police in their chargesheet had said that Darshan got Renukaswamy abducted from Chitradurga, his native place, taking him to Bengaluru where he was tortured for three days in a shed. Unable to bear the torture, Renukaswamy died and later his body was thrown in a drain as per the alleged directions of Darshan, the chargesheet added.
After his arrest, Darshan was lodged in the Parappana Agrahara jail in Bengaluru. But later he was shifted to Ballari jail after his photographs and those of other inmates purportedly relaxing at the jail went viral.
On October 30, Darshan was granted an interim bail for six weeks by the high court to undergo spine surgery. Since then he has been in a hospital in Bengaluru.