Hyderabad: Actor Sharad Kapoor, known for films like Josh, LOC Kargil, and Lakshya, is embroiled in controversy as a 32-year-old woman has accused him of sexual harassment. According to the Khar police in Mumbai, the woman alleged that Kapoor misbehaved with her and forcibly touched her inappropriately during a visit to his residence.
The victim claimed she came into contact with Kapoor through Facebook, which led to video calls and discussions about a potential shooting project. Kapoor later sent her his location, directing her to what he claimed was his office in Khar. Upon arrival, she discovered it was his residence.
When she reached Kapoor's third-floor apartment, a man opened the door, and Kapoor, calling from inside, invited her into his bedroom. The victim alleged that Kapoor's behaviour became inappropriate and intimidating. That evening, Kapoor reportedly sent her a WhatsApp message using foul language.
Distressed, the woman shared her ordeal with a friend, who accompanied her to the Khar police station, where a complaint was lodged. The police have registered an FIR against Sharad Kapoor under sections 74 (assault), 75 (sexual harassment), and 79 (insulting a woman's modesty) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita.
No statement has been issued by Kapoor addressing the allegations. The case is under investigation, and further details are awaited.